FSHED - Funduc Software Hex Editor - a freeware hex editor we made for users of our Search and Replace, Replace Studio Pro & Replace Studio Business Edition grep utilities who needed a hex editor/viewer for use when search-replacing binary files.
FSHED is not intended to be a full featured programmers hex editor. But if you need a lightweight editor that is free, you are welcome to use it.
FSHED features include:
The program's options settings are saved in an .ini file that is created in the same path as the program .exe. This makes the program more friendly for 'portable/USB' drive use. Simply unzip the respective zip below only your drive and run directly from the drive. 'No installation required.
To configure FSHED for use as the binary editor for Search and Replace or either of the Replace Studio utilities, go to the Options -> General dialog and specify the path to the FSHED. For example:
c:\tools\fshed\fshed.exe "%path%" /s%start% /l%length%
FSHED runs Windows Vista and above
Search and Replace & Replace Studio Users: Older versions of our programs default to using our legacy hex viewer, HexView. We encouraging users to download FSHED and change their program settings to use FSHED instead because of the additional features & functions available in FSHED.
Portions of FSHED use functions in the "frhed - Free Hex Editor" by Raihan Kibria and others (Frhed). Compared to frhed, FSHED has different user interface with additions such as support for multiple documents and printing. The partial source code for FSHED is available below. You may use this freely in conjunction the frhed source available on Raihan Kibria's site.
FSHED - Funduc Software Hex Editor
FSHED Installers
Funduc_HexEditor-64-bit-v2.5-Freeware_Installer.exe (2.9 MB) - This installs the 64-bit (x64) version. See Install & Uninstall Information for guidance about installation and removal. Download this to a temporary directory and run 'Funduc_HexEditor-64-bit-v2.5-Freeware_Installer.exe' to install.
Funduc_HexEditor-v2.5.zip (2.9 MB) - Manual install. This zip contains the 64-bit (x64) version .exe. Unzip this into the subdirectory of your choice. See the .txt files in the zip for more info.
Note: Email support@funduc.com if you are interested in the source code to 'FSHED
Additional Information
License Statement - EULA Statements (End User License Agreement)