Word Search and Replace 2.40
Word Search and Replace is a freeware macro for Microsoft Word. We created 'WordSR' for those who need a tool to search and replace in Word documents but find Funduc's Search and Replace too powerful for their needs. Word Search and Replace uses the find and replace functions built-in to Microsoft Word. It does not use our Search and Replace product so the available functions are the same as those in the Word 'Find and Replace' dialog. Word Search and Replace can process more than one file by specifying a 'wild card' in the dialog's 'File Mask (with path)' field.
A Basque translation, prepared by Gotzon Egia is upon request.
Please look below for version-feature information.
We have counterpart macros for MS Excel (Excel SR) and MS PowerPoint (PwrPt SR).
NOTE: Our Replace Studio Pro (shareware) can perform search and replace in docx, xlsx, and pptx files. If you are using the newer Microsoft Office suite consider using Replace Studio Pro instead.
Word SR Main Dialog

Important Notes
- The name of the actual .doc within the zips below will vary, depending on version. See the .txt files inside the zip you download. To run the macro simply open the .doc or .docx file (for Office 2007 and above).
- For your own peace of mind, scan the .doc with your anti-virus scanner before you open it for the first time.
- Please click the Close button the first time you open the document and read through the text in the document for usage information.
- Word Search and Replace requires that you have macro functioning turned on. You may need to enable Word macros in your Options settings if macros were disabled as an anti-virus measure.
- The respective macros were developed and tested on Office 2000, Office 2007, Office 2010, Office 365, & Office 2013. Office versions prior to Office 2000 are not supported.
- Word Search and Replace can only process files understood by your Word installation. .doc and .rtf files are understood by default. Whether you can handle any other file types depends on the conversion features installed for your Word &/or Microsoft Office. Consult the Office Assistant for more information on conversion functionality.
- Back up your files first. Do NOT rely on the Word 'undo' function. Word Search and Replace writes a file named 'WordSR_Results.txt' in the same path that the operation is performed in. This file summarizes the changes made. However, there is no built-in backup functionality.
- Consult the Word Assistant / Office Assistant for help on Word's 'find and replace' functions for 'Pattern Matching'.
- See the 'License' section in the doc's for distribution information. You are free to modify the VBA code in the macro. If you like, send any changes you make to support@funduc.com. If your changes can benefit others we will add them to a new version. Thanks.
Version Information
- Version 2.40 – A macro has been added to the 2.40 version zip below for 64-bit. See info below.
- Version 2.40 – A version of the macro for Office 2007 was prepared. This same version works with Office 2010 and Office 365. Both versions are in the download below...
- Version 2.40 – A user suggested an improvement to the function that builds the function that builds the array of directories to process. We had no reports of problems but the user discovered that the macro would skip searching several subfolders. The changes should address conditions that led to this happening.
- Version 2.30 - Thanks to Julian Slade for the addition of a "Handle Hyperlinks" subroutine. This makes it easier to process the 'hyperlink' material in Word hyperlinks.
- Version 2.2 - Added a 'Process Field Codes' switch. Background: Word's Field Codes not accessible to a find/replace if you do not have Word set to display field codes either for a specific field or the entire doc. The switch in Ver 2.2 causes Field Codes to be displayed so they are available to find/replace.
- Version 2.1 & 2.12 - Minor changes. Version 2.12 was a limited release of a 'Process Field Codes' version. Distributed upon request only.
- Version 2.0 - Added a 'Find' function. 'Thanks to our contributor. Also for version 2.0, the name of the results file has been changed to ''WordSR_Results.txt'. This file is now written to the same path as the path specified in 'File Mask (with path)' field.
- Version 1.4 - The macro now does find/replace in headers and footers. Thanks to Randy Gault for the code suggestion. Write support@funduc.com if you want the older version that does not do this.
- Version 1.35 - Not officially released... Code to cause the macro to automatically reveal mail merge codes so they can be available to s/r operations. We decided to not implement this. Write support@funduc.com is you want a version that can do this.
- Version 1.3 - Improved functionality for recursive find/replace when search subdirectories is enabled. Thanks to Randy Gault for the code suggestion.
- Version 1.2 - First release.
Download WordSR
WordSR_240.zip (Ver 2.40 198K) - Unzip this into the subdirectory of your choice. See 'Readme.txt' for more information. If you have Office 365 64-bit use Use WordSR_240_64bit.docm. Use WordSR_240.doc for older versions of Office (32-bit) or WordSR_240_7.docm for Office 2007/Office 2010 32-bit.